Structural Adjustment, Human Rights and the Budget

Speech given to Open Forum at Bulawayo The phrase Structural Adjustment is being bandied about so much these days that it seems that it has always been with us. Whilst it is in vogues phrase it is in fact a new one in Zimbabwe at least. The same does not apply to the rest of

Building NGO’s in Zimbabwe

Legal Aid and Human Rights Group: Session 4 Paper Presented by Mr David Coltart, Legal Resources Foundation, Zimbabwe Empowering People, Civil Associations and Democratic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 12 – 16 August 1991, International Conference Centre, Arusha, Tanzania INTRODUCTION: Brief History of Legal Aid and Human Rights Groups in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was colonised 100 years

Speech by David Coltart: What the Businessman Can Do Towards the Success of the Structural Adjustment Programme

What the Businessman Can Do Towards the Success of the Structural Adjustment Programme By David Coltart Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe 2nd July 1991 I have been asked to give a short talk this afternoon on what the businessman can do towards the success of the Structural Adjustment Programme. Lawyers, as you

Economic Liberalisation: Political Protectionism?

ZIMBABWE’S ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Presentation arranged by K P M G Peat Marwick : Bulawayo INTRODUCTION I have entitled my talk today “Economic Liberalisation: Political Protectionism”. My thesis is that the success of structural adjustment, trade liberalisation and the economy generally will, in the long term, stand or fall on the degree of genuine democracy brought

Human Rights Violations: Matabeleland

Heads of Denominations, Bulawayo Letter addressed to: Senator J F Mudende, Governor, Matabeleland North Dear Senator Mudende We refer to our meeting with you towards the end of November 1985 when we said we would let you have a report on human rights violations in Matabeleland. Please now find enclosed our report. The cases cited

Human Rights Report: Matabeleland

Bulawayo Legal Practitioner’s Association Letter addressed to: The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Dear Sir RE: HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT: MATABELAND At the Annual General Meeting of the Bulawayo Legal Practitioner’s Association, held on Friday the 29th November 1985, concern was expressed regarding widespread violations of human rights in Matabeleland. It was unanimously agreed

Telegram from Robert Mugabe to David Coltart – 19 August 1981

Dear Mr Coltart Replying to your message of the 17th August – for which many thanks, I am happy and encouraged to learn that Zimbabwean students at Cape Town University are ready and willing to return home upon completion of their studies to serve their country. As you are no doubt aware, we in government