Should HIV positive women be allowed to abort under existing laws, notably the Termination of Pregnancy Act?

SPEECH TO BULAWAYO WOMEN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION I have been asked to kick off the debate on the question “Should HIV positive women be allowed to abort under existing laws, namely the Termination of Pregnancy Act”? In my allotted time of 10 minutes I shall give you my general views on abortion and then I shall

Speech by David Coltart: Recent Developments in the Legal Field

Recent Developments in the Legal Field By David Coltart Tuesday 15th March 1994 Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Bulawayo I have been asked to speak to you today about recent developments in the legal field, and I suppose that normally Chartered Secretaries at a function like this would expect to be addressed on developments

The Forum Party and the Economy

FORUM MEETING: BULAWAYO Introduction Zimbabwe has never been in such an economic crisis as it is at present. Never before in our history have so many people been out of work, never before have our people battled to survive as they are now. The Z$ is a worthless currency, its spending power is minimal. ZANU

The operation of the National Railways of Zimbabwe in the changing economic environment: The legal framework for labour relations in Zimbabwe

Talk to the National Railways of Zimbabwe Education Seminar INTRODUCTION I have been asked this afternoon to speak on “the legal framework for labour relations in Zimbabwe”. The topic is far too broad to do justice to it in 30 minutes; indeed students at University spend an entire year studying labour law. Accordingly I propose

Speech by David Coltart: What Sort of Men Are We Preparing for Our Society?

What Sort of Men Are We Preparing for Our Society? By David Coltart 23rd October 1992 Christian Brothers College: 31st Annual Prize Giving My Lord Bishop, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour 17 years after leaving CBC to be asked back to speak this evening. I have very fond memories CBC and have

Paper by David Coltart: Zimbabwe: The establishment of independent and public enquiries

Zimbabwe: The establishment of independent and public enquiries By David Coltart Elimination and Terror: International Conference on Political Killings and ‘Disappearances’ organised by Amnesty International 4-6 September 1992 In the period since 1982 Zimbabwe has been the scene of some of the worst political killings and “disappearances” in Africa. Whilst the situation has undoubtedly improved


THE FORUM FOR DEMOCRATIC REFORM TRUST PROPOSALS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES IN OVERALL GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE AND POLICIES INTRODUCTION Many of Zimbabwe’s present woes stem from the fact that we have a Constitution which is fundamentally flawed. The Constitution as it is presently framed is a negation of the principle of separation of powers in

Politics: Not for the Church

Lecture given to the Bulawayo Presbyterian Church The first response most people have when the relationship between the Church and politics is discussed is to cry that the Church should steer clear of politics; “Religion and politics do not mix” and “it is wrong for an Evangelical Church to have any involvement in politics.” Tonight

Speech by David Coltart: Accountability Problems in Zimbabwean Politics

Accountability Problems in Zimbabwean Politics By David Coltart Address given to the Institute of Bankers: Bulawayo Branch Tuesday 19th May 1992 Accountability is a concept very close to the hearts of all bankers. Not only are you concerned to ensure that your clients are always accountable for their actions to you when they owe you

Understanding the Origin of Crime

PRISON FELLOWSHIP ZAMBIA: CONSULTATION ON THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM – 26 to 28 MARCH 1992 INTRODUCTION At the outset let me say what a great privilege and honour it is for me to be here today not. For many of us in Zimbabwe who have been battling with grave human rights abuses and the oppression