Senior Golfer’s Society Toast

SENIOR GOLFER’S SOCIETY: NATIONALS Mr President, Honoured guests, Senior Golfers, When Mike Greenfield asked me to propose a toast tonight my first thought was: “What the hang can I say that will be vaguely relevant to Senior Golfers?” And then I thought: “Why reflect on the last 20 years or so I have been playing

Promoting Understanding and Peace

BULAWAYO SOUTH ROTARY CLUB Ladies and Gentlemen Rotary has a proud history of promoting understanding and peace in the world and as I understand the position it is one of your prime objectives. I first had a taste of Rotary’s role of promoting understanding and peace in 1985 when I was fortunate enough to be

Press Release by David Coltart: The Protection and Development of Human Rights through a Constitutional Bill of Rights

The Protection and Development of Human Rights through a Constitutional Bill of Rights By David Coltart 30th November 1994 Conference: Victoria Falls 10-14 December 1994 A Bill of Rights Conference, jointly organised by the Legal Resources Foundation of Zimbabwe, the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace and Zimrights, will be held in Victoria Falls from

Press Statement by David Coltart

Press Statement Issued by the Director of the Bulawayo Legal Projects Centre, David Coltart 8th November 1994 Today’s press conference marks the handing over of a cheque of $35,000.00 to Mrs Musa Sibanda, being damages paid to her by the Ministry of Home Affairs. On 3rd November 1985, just over nine years ago, Mr Fraser

Open letter to President Robert Mugabe and the Christian Church in Zimbabwe

Dear Mr President, In The Sunday Mail of the 16th October 1994 you were quoted as saying the following at the Presidential prayer breakfast jointly organised by the Harare and Chitungwiza for Jesus Mission and Africa Enterprise of South Africa: “the ship of State looks to you (church leaders) for moral and spiritual direction. It

The 1994 Milton Address

MILTON HIGH SCHOOL, BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE Headmaster, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and last, but not least, boys. I am greatly honoured by your invitation to deliver the 1994 Milton Address. Shortly after receiving the invitation I was sent copies of previous addresses and I confess to being daunted by the illustrious speakers you have had

Report by David Coltart: A Brief History of the Bulawayo Legal Projects Centre

A Brief History of the Bulawayo Legal Projects Centre By David Coltart July 1994 The genesis of the Bulawayo Legal Projects Centre is found in the activities of two Zimbabwe law Students in the 1970s. Ian Donovan in the early 1970s was instrumental in setting up the Legal Aid Clinic at the then University of

Letter from David Coltart to the Editor of the Financial Gazette

Letter to the Editor of the Financial Gazette re: Racism of Dr Nkomo From David Coltart 7 June 1994 Dear Sir, For some time I have been deeply offended by the racist jibes of Dr Nkomo against minority communities in Zimbabwe but have remained silent. In October last year I was telephoned by Dr Nkomo

Recent Developments in the Legal Field

INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATORS:- MANICA HOTEL, MUTARE I have been asked to speak to you today about recent developments in the legal field. I suppose that normally Chartered Secretaries would expect to be addressed on developments in law which directly affect the business sector, such as the recently enacted Private Corporations Act or

Speech by David Coltart: Forum Party of Zimbabwe Meeting

Forum Party of Zimbabwe Meeting 20th April, 1994 Kumalo It is good to see so many faces I recognise well and I see that some of you were at the meeting last time I was here in October last year. Colonel Dube and I have swopped roles. Those of you who were at the last