Mooted Parly changes dismissed
Financial Gazette A BICAMERAL Parliament with 260-members, among other far-reaching changes to Zimbabwe’s august House, has been mooted, but analysts say the two-chamber legislature will be “toothless” unless it assumes “real” power. A bicameral parliamentary system provides for two chambers and observers say this prevents enactment of ill-considered laws by providing checks and balances. Of
The MDC – 5th Anniversary
On the MDC’s 5th Anniversary Zimbabwe has an extremely troubled history. It has never experienced true peace or true democracy since it was colonised in the 1890s. Our political culture has been dominated by violence, tyranny, racism, sexism and tribalism. The MDC from its inception has been determined to break Zimbabwe out of these shackles.
MDC article for Changing Times
Zimbabwe has an extremely troubled history. It has never experienced true peace or true democracy since it was colonised in the 1890s. Our political culture has been dominated by violence, tyranny, racism, sexism and tribalism. The MDC from its inception has been determined to break Zimbabwe out of these shackles. The MDC has a vision
Zanu PF Woos Female MDC Legislators
Financial Gazette ZANU PF, which is pressing for the introduction of a 260-member bicameral parliament, is lobbying female legislators in the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) to support the proposed constitutional amendments, expected to be tabled in parliament in the next few weeks. ZANU PF officials were this week tight-lipped on the details of the
Far-reaching changes to parliament planned
Financial Gazette THE ruling ZANU PF, which is four seats shy of the two-thirds majority needed to effect constitutional reforms, is considering plans to split Parliament into two legislative chambers and increase the number of elected legislators to 150. Highly places sources told The Financial Gazette this week that ZANU PF stalwarts executing the task
MDC comments on Nathan Shamuyarira’s remarks on Electoral Reforms at Victoria Falls
The MDC notes with interest the ostensibly conciliatory remarks made by ZANU PF’s Secretary for Information and Publicity Nathan Shamuyarira at the Victoria Falls conference calling upon the MDC to enter into dialogue regarding electoral reforms. The International Community should not be beguiled by these remarks because they are typical of ZANU PF duplicity. ZANU
Rule of the lawless
The Spectator Jan Raath on the continuing story of murder and intimidation in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe Harare Most brutal regimes dispatch troublesome colleagues and pretend afterward to know nothing about it. Lenin perfected the wiping from memory of freshly eliminated aides. President Robert Mugabe’s government, according to a decision just handed down by a high
Under Siege: Human rights and the rule of law in Zimbabwe
Monash University Law Chambers, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law Lecture Good evening everyone. It’s very heart-warming to see the magnificent turn out for a country which, after all, is located in the forgotten continent and a country that doesn’t have any oil or anything else like that to attract the attention of the international
Probe land inspectorate, ministry officials
Sunday Mail UNCOLONISED – With Lowani Ndlovu The fact that over the last three or so months following the last Cabinet reshuffle in March the historic fast-track land reform programme that was started in 2000 has been mired in bureaucratic controversies is reason for great concern among the uncolonised and the time has come to
Mugabe forces more whites out of Zimbabwe
The Daily Telegraph 10th July 2004 By Peta Thornycroft in Harare The exodus of whites from Zimbabwe is gathering pace, with most heading for Britain or Australia. Many of those leaving had put up with four years of persecution in the hope that President Robert Mugabe would relent. But last week, when he ordered the