Letter to Bulawayo South Constituents September 2006

Dear Friends, When I last wrote to you in late May, explaining my views regarding the split in the MDC, I said I would write again regarding my general work as your MP, and this is now that letter. Life in Zimbabwe continues to get harder for all her people except the ruling elite who

Letter to friends

Dear Friends, I don’t know whether you have been following the recent discussion on SW Radio Africa involving Tendai and Welshman. The last transcript has just been published and this excerpt is important: “Violet: And, finally, you know, some have asked why the visionaries and luminaries in the MDC are wasting time and breath and

Mugabe plans laws to silence critics

Peta Thornycroft Zimbabwe is poised to introduce draconian laws to silence its critics, both at home and abroad, who face 20 years in jail if they “publish or communicate a falsehood”. Opposition members have condemned the measures as “the most fascist legislation this country has known”. The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Bill, went through

Violence of the heart

Zimbabwe Independent Editor’s Memo By Vincent Kahiya A MARTIN Luther King commandment says “refrain from violence of the fist, tongue and heart”. Most people can stop themselves from hitting others out of fear of arrest and can bite their tongue to refrain from saying something mean, but violence of the heart is challenging. Following this

Letter to the Editor, Zimdaily

Editor, Zimdaily. 28th June 2006 Dear Sir, The article you published by Tsungai Mhaka on Monday the 26th June 2006 is in some respects false and you are invited to correct the falsehoods and publicly apologise for them. Whilst I take issue with most of what has been written as it is largely comment I

Statement of David Coltart regarding his political future

I am very proud to have been a founder member of the MDC and to have been part of the courageous struggle of the MDC during the last seven years to bring an end to tyranny in Zimbabwe. In particular I was proud to be part of a united organisation that transcended the tribal, ethnic,

The reasons why I cannot join the Tsvangirai faction

It is 7 months since the divisive meeting of the MDC National Executive was held on the 12th October 2005. I have refrained from making public statements since then but am now of the view that the public have a right to know my perspective. I have always believed that the two factions of the

MDC must deal with violence in its own ranks

Zimbabwe Independent David Coltart ZIMBABWE has been afflicted with the terrible disease of endemic violence for over 150 years. Violence was used by Lobengula to suppress the Shona. It was used to colonise and after that to maintain minority rule, to overthrow white supremacy and, after Independence in 1980, to crush any possibility of legitimate

Zim ratifies SADC protocol on fugitives

The Herald By Tandayi Motsi Fugitives from justice will soon have no hiding place as steps are being taken to harmonise legal systems in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in addition to strengthening domestic regulatory and supervisory systems for the monitoring and detection of organised crime in United Nations member-states To this end, last

Amicable Divorce

Letter from Tendai Biti (Secretary General, MDC) to David Coltart Dear David I refer to your letter dated 17th February 2006 addressed to President Morgan Tsvangirai in his personal and individual capacity, which letter as I have pointed out to you, I have not read or been privy too. I am aware however from newspaper