Teachers forced to work at Zanu school

Zimbabwean 6 August 2011 By Jane Makoni Teachers are being forced to transfer to at an unregistered Zanu (PF) school established as a campaign success story by Uzumba MP Simbaneuta Mudarikwa. The makeshift Nyashunjwa Primary School, with classes built only up to window level, is situated in Mashambanhaka Village. Mudarikwa has instructed district education officials

PTUZ blasts bullying of teachers

Newsday 6 August 2011 By Veneranda Langa The Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) yesterday expressed concern over what they said was “entrenched workplace bullying on teachers by immediate supervisors and headmasters at schools”. This was said by PTUZ programmes and communications officer, Oswald Madziva, in an interview with NewsDay, adding that teachers’ woes were

Coltart to engage unions over incentives

Newsday By Fortune Moyo 6 August 2011 The Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture, David Coltart, said he would soon engage teachers’ unions before deciding whether to scrap teachers’ incentives. Last week, education ministry secretary, Stephen Mahere, said the government had resolved to abolish incentives to avoid disparities they had created between urban and

Backyard schools: A sign of government neglect

Zimbabwe Independent 5 August 2011 By Wongai Zhangazha AS the cold wind blows continuously across the small rooms without window panes or doors, discomfort is written all over the faces of the youngsters. While the ideal thing to do would be to position oneself in some corner of the room there are very limited options. The

The disaster is closer to home Cde Chombo

Zimbabwe Independent Muckraker 5 August 2011 MUCKRAKER was intrigued by Nathaniel Manheru’s column last weekend which seemed designed to impress us with his importance. It was about a meeting between President Mugabe and what sounded like Ronald Reagan. After Reagan had finished speaking, Mugabe attempted to reply. Sadly, he wasn’t allowed to because Reagan had

The Annual Acton Lecture on Religion & Freedom: Q&A

Audience question and answers. This year’s address is delivered by prominent Zimbabwean politician, human rights lawyer, and pro-democracy activist, David Coltart. Senator Coltart is a committed and active Christian, and was a founding member of the Movement for Democratic Change, now in uneasy but determined coalition with long-reigning President Robert Mugabe. In 2009, Coltart was

The Annual Acton Lecture on Religion & Freedom

This year’s address is delivered by prominent Zimbabwean politician, human rights lawyer, and pro-democracy activist, David Coltart. Senator Coltart is a committed and active Christian, and was a founding member of the Movement for Democratic Change, now in uneasy but determined coalition with long-reigning President Robert Mugabe. In 2009, Coltart was appointed Zimbabwe’s Minister for

Zimbabwe return to Tests against Bangladesh, unpaid and uncontracted

Guardian.co.uk 3rd August 2011 By Andy Bull While the world’s attention is focused on what is happening at the top of the Test rankings, there are about to be some intriguing developments at the bottom. Zimbabwe start their first Test in six years on Thursday, against Bangladesh in Harare. At any other time their return

Miners forced to buy Zanu (PF) cards

Zimbabwean 2 August 2011 By John Chimunhu Zanu (PF) militants forced workers at the targeted Mimosa Platinum Mine here to buy the unpopular party’s membership cards at extortionate prices, The Zimbabwean has learnt. Mimosa Mine is the the target for Zanu (PF) sharks, who are also demanding to be given service and supply contracts. According

Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Demands More Taxes From Poorly Paid Teachers

VOA 2 August 2011 By Gibbs Dube Union sources said Revenue Authority officials are visiting schools and demanding that teachers account for all of the so-called incentive payments they have received from school associations since 2009 The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority is demanding that teachers who received supplemental pay from school development associations report such income