The Herald
Bulawayo Bureau
5th August 2014
SPORT, Arts and Culture Minister Andrew Langa will soon announce a new Sport and Recreation Committee board that will take over from the one led by Joseph James. Langa said they will be unveiling a board as early as this week. The present SRC board was appointed in 2013 by then Education, Sport, Arts and Culture Minister David Coltart. There is a huge possibility that all the board members will be booted out after inviting the wrath of Langa after all but one board member attended a football indaba held in the capital a few months ago.
Langa immediately threatened to dissolve the board as he felt undermined. The Sport and Recreation Commission derives its mandate from the Sport and Recreation Commission Act and reports to the Government through the Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture. Part of the mandate is to facilitate for the accessibility of sport and recreation programmes to the people of Zimbabwe and to oversee the general running of sport and recreation programmes by the National Sports Associations.