What do the people say?

The Zimbabwean

1 October 2013

More and more Zimbabweans, both at home and all over the world, are using social media to communicate. The Zimbabwean is committed to helping Zimbabweans everywhere to claim and access their right to give and receive information. So every week we stimulate debate on a number of issues affecting us. These are your responses in this week’s issue:

What are your thoughts on female ministers? Do you think Mugabe is out of line with modern political trends?

Hol’ up, in zimbabwe there is gender pity, not gender equality. – @BrilliantBrintz

I tried to achieve gender equity on all Boards I appointed whilst Minister – wasn’t a shortage of extremely talented women. – @DavidColtart

Definitely, Africa is missing a critical point in the importance of women representation in governance. – @Nociendlovu

I tend to disagree. People should be appointed on merit not on some affirmative action #justsaying. – @mdimairo

The women I appointed to Boards were there on merit – there are plenty talented Zim women just need political will. One does not apply for Cabinet posts & Board posts – they are solely within discretion of the President & Ministers. I consulted & asked for CVs-it is up to the President & Ministers to be proactive. If there’s a will there’s a way. They are not ad hoc – they are now mandatory ito section 17 of new Constitution #gender balance. Sec 17 is more than aspirational – it is directional. But ultimately it depends on political will. – @DavidColtart

That should be the case. How many women put forward their CV for cabinet positions say & turned down? Yes they are – even more than men. However, they have to apply & put their CVs forward. We should address gender equality by empowering women & encouraging them to stand up & be counted. So what criteria where you using to appoint your board members if they don’t put forward their qualifications/experiences? fair enough. But why do we use ad hoc procedures at the discretion of the minister say? My point is Sec 17 is about what we aim for but not procedures & processes to reach the goals of gender equality. Yes, I would argue that additional steps & measure shld be taken to address it (section 17). There are current deficiencies. (all in reply to David Coltart). – @mdimairo