Schools defy govt directive

Daily News

10 January 2013

Some schools have been barring students who have not yet paid fees from attending classes, in direct defiance of a government order.

Yesterday, the Daily News was inundated with reports that school pupils had been barred from entering premises because of non-payment of fees countrywide.

At Chirodzo Primary school in Mbare and Kundayi Primary School in Glen Norah, pupils were being asked to provide receipts of payment without which they were denied entry into school premises.

Education minister David Coltart is on record as saying school authorities should bear with parents who are reeling under the economic and liquidity crunch.

The dire economic situation has seen some pupils dropping out of school altogether.

There is a standing government policy that no pupil shall be denied education because of fees non-payment.

Deputy Education minister Lazarus Dokora was this week quoted as saying the ministry of Education has increased supervision in schools.

“We have increased the number of supervisors that are doing routine rounds in schools for us to satisfy ourselves that the system is conforming to stipulated and regulated behaviour.”

However, indications are the supervision has failed. Coltart was yesterday not reachable for comment on the defiance by schools.