Zimbabwean Education Minister, David Coltart to Attend Consultation Meeting With The Diaspora at Johannesburg

The Zimbabwean Unlimited

By Daniel Molokele

5 March 2012

Zimbabwe Diaspora Education Support Initiative (ZDESI)
c/o The Global Zimbabwe Forum (SA Chapter)
87 De Korte Street

Dear Sir/Madam

RE: Invitation to Attend Diaspora Consultation Meeting with the Minister of Education

The Zimbabwe Diaspora Education Support Initiative (ZDESI) would like to invite you to be one of the participants at the consultation meeting that will be held with the Minister of Education, Sports, Arts and Culture, honourable Senator David Coltart.

ZDESI is a loose network of various organisations and dedicated individuals that are based in the Zimbabwean Diaspora community who would like to see the Zimbabwean education system return to its previous acclaimed world class standards.

The meeting will seek to explore various options in which the Zimbabwean Diaspora community could pursue in support of the revival of the education system back in Zimbabwe.

The meeting will be held according to the following details:

Venue: Gold Reef City Hotel, 58 Anderson Street (corner Harrison Avenue), Marshalltown, Johannesburg

Date: Saturday 10th March 2012

Time: 2pm to 5pm

Please do kindly confirm your attendance by the end of day on Wednesday 7th March 2012

Please also kindly note that participation to the meeting will only be reserved only for the confirmed participants due to administrative and logistical reasons.

RSVP:  Ms. Nora Tapiwa on +27 79 138 3896 or zimcsoforum@yahoo.co.uk