Parliament adopts Asiagate motion

By Robson Sharuko

4 October 2011

The House of Assembly has adopted a motion to set up a commission of enquiry to investigate the role played by key stakeholders in the Warriors’ matchfixing scandal.

The committee to be set up will chief among other things investigate the role played by the Sports and Recreation Commission (SRC) and ZIFA in the Asiagate scandal.

This development could see administrators involved in the disgraceful act being handed over to the police and the Anti Corruption Commission.

The new ZIFA board has already fired four members of the secretariat and suspended three ZIFA board members implicated in the biggest scandal to rock local soccer.

The commission will also seek to find out the role of the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture in sport.

This comes after the august house noted with concern the failure by government through the responsible ministry headed by MDC Senator David Coltart to come up with a comprehensive sports policy that creates a conducive environment for sports development.

Government has been under scrutiny from stakeholders who have attributed the country’s sporting misfortunes on the failure to have clear developmental policies from the grass roots.