ABC Radio
18 September 2011
The Centre for Independent Studies 2011 Acton Lecture on Religion and Freedom with David Coltart.
Have critical mistakes, if not sins, been committed by some countries in the west in the formulation of their foreign policy since the Second World War?
Zimbabwean Senator David Coltart fears that the west appears to trust more in its own military superiority than it does in the consistent moral force of principle. That a resort to force seems to be the rapid default position of some countries in the west when their national interests are threatened and yet when force is crucially and critically needed, but there’s no national interest at stake, as was the case in Rwanda, that superior force is not employed.
David Coltart
Zimbabwean politician, human rights lawyer and pro-democracy activist. He was a founding member of the Movement for Democratic Chang. He served in the House of Assembly from 2000 -2008 and during his first term he was the Shadow Justice Minister and chaired the Parliamentary Justice Committee. In 2008 he was elected to the Senate and since 2009 David Coltart has been the Minister for Education, Sport, Arts and Culture.
Further Information
Full transcript can be found here
The Centre for Independant Studies
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