Technical subjects a priority: Tapela


By Brenna Matendere Munyati

21 September 2011

Technical subjects should be prioritised above subjects such as history because they are more likely to equip students to contribute to the economy, said Deputy Higher Education Minister Senator Lutho Addington Tapela.

Speaking at the graduation of over 600 students from Gweru Polytechnic college over the weekend, Sen Tapela said pupils in the country’s secondary schools should be equipped with skills to earn a living after their studies.

“If you teach children bricklaying, in a short while they can earn a living and contribute to the economy. But with history what do you do?” he asked.

His words come at a time when the Zanu (PF) side of the coalition government has been pushing for history to be made compulsory in schools. The party has also proposed to have the dreaded war veterans teach the subject in secondary schools.

Analysts have labelled the call brainwashing. Education Minister Senator David Coltart condemned the development in parliament saying it violated Government policy.

Starting from next year, Sen Tapela announced that Gweru Polytechnic College would be pouring teachers of technical subjects into secondary schools across the country.

“We want to see technical subjects being made more available to students. It’s good for their survival after school. It reduces poverty and pulls down the unemployment rates,” he said.