MDC M members threaten to defect to ZAPU over Tsvangirai

By Staff reporter

21 September 201o

A group of peer members within the Prof Arthur Mutambara aligned MDC party have threatened to defect to the recently revived ZAPU party following revelations that party leaders are considering to reunite with the Morgan Tsvangirai led faction.

Said a spokesman for the peer group who at present requests anonymity:

“Tsvangirai labelled us evil and called us all sorts of names. Why should he want to engage us now?”

The spokesman added saying that if MDC-M unites with MDC-T, a large number of people will defect to the Dumiso Dabengwa-led ZAPU party in rebellion.

“I think there will end up being 3 new groupings, some of us will go to ZAPU if this ever happens” he said.

Criticising the party’s Legal Secretary David Coltart, who recently announced saying that a united front was necessary to help complete Zimbabwe’s transition to democracy, the peer group leader said Coltart belongs to a group of moderates who align themselves under Mutambara and his position is not a party position.

However, in the United Kingdom, the MDC-M’s national chairman, speaking in his personal capacity opposed the present threats saying any action to unite will help remove Robert Mugabe and his party from power although he also called for a 2-term limit condition for leaders if a new opposition formation is created.

“The unification of democratic forces is desirable and long overdue,” said Abraham Ndodana Mdlongwa.

“Tsvangirai has acted in bad faith”

Criticising Morgan Tsvangirai’s leadership, Mdlongwa added saying that the new formation should of necessity ensure a new Obama emerges:

“The process should culminate in a unification congress where all elected MDC officials including party presidents that have served their 2 terms should be barred from contesting their positions in line with the party constitution of the MDC.  Such officials would of course be free to contest any other position within the united party if they so wished.  This way we would ensure a new Obama emerges within our opposition ranks. I can understand the uneasiness with which some of my colleagues have come to feel about any talk of unity with MDC-T.  Having been an elected official in the original MDC, I am aware Morgan Tsvangirai has not acted in good faith on these matters in the past and has as a result cost the opposition numeours opportunities for dislodging ZANU-PF from power.”