Monthly Archives: November 2009
Government to scrap teachers’ incentives
Sunday Mail By Itai Mazire 22 November 2009 Government will soon scrap teachers’ incentives in a move to stamp out corruption in schools and reduce rising tensions between teachers and parents. Education, Art, Sports and Culture Minister Senator David Coltart said in an interview last week the incentives had created inequalities in the education system. […]
Bungling Zimsec Brews Another Shocker
The Standard By Vusumuzi Sifile 22 November 2009 Costly blunders by management at the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) have raised fresh doubts that results for the “O” Level and “A” Level examinations starting on Friday will be released on time. Zimsec insiders now fear a worse scenario than last year which saw “O” Level […]
Bungling Zimsec Brews Another Shocker
The Standard By Vusumuzi Sifile 22 November 2009 Costly blunders by management at the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) have raised fresh doubts that results for the “O” Level and “A” Level examinations starting on Friday will be released on time. Zimsec insiders now fear a worse scenario than last year which saw “O” Level […]
Government plans to introduce new education curriculum
The Zimbabwe Telegraph By Getrude Gumede November 19, 2009 HARARE – The Government is working on including in the country’s education curriculum issues such as the constitution and reconciliation, a Cabinet Minister has said. Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture David Coltart said the Government was planning on introducing such issues in the curriculum […]
Zimbabwean History in Context: A comparison of the History Book with existent history curriculum and teaching
A review of “Becoming Zimbabwe. A History, c.850-2009” By Blessing Miles Tendi 18th November 2009 History is the study of transformation and growth in society over time and space. Examining the past allows us to understand how History influences our present and future. A study of History builds the capacity of people to make informed […]
Tsvangirai sours on his abusive partner Mugabe
Earth Times By Deutche Press Agenncy 18 December 2009 Harare – A new power-sharing government formed in early 2009 between Zimbabwe’s chief political protagonists helped the country drag itself out of economic disaster, but a renewal of President Robert Mugabe’s political terror was never far away. The year began with inflation at a world second-worst […]
Eco-Schools Programme Hailed
The Herald 16 November 2009 Harare — Mukuvisi Woodlands’ eco-schools learning programme has been hailed for promoting environmental education. In a speech read on his behalf last Friday by the principal director in the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture Dr Elizabeth Marunda in Harare, Minister David Coltart said the programme encouraged youths to […]
Leaders should put people first
Sunday News 15 November 2009 Comment Putting the interest of the people first is a key result area for any people’s representative. The generality of the population has reposed on their leaders, especially those in Government, the power to make sound decisions that improve their welfare and are occasionally left wondering what would have gone […]
Chief launches a bizarre and racist attack on Education Minister David Coltart
The Zimbabwean By Marcus Tawona Sunday, 15 November 2009 MUTARE- The Council of Chiefs says the names of Zanu (PF) candidates earmarked for Cabinet posts should be submitted to chiefs for vetting before final approval. Council of Chiefs President Fortune Charumbira said some of ministers who were appointed by President Robert Mugabe were crooks and […]
Most Zimbabweans read only if they have to
Zimbabwean 13 November 2009 By Elle Most Zimbabweans read only if they have to. This was what the librarian at the public library in Bulawayo suggested to me this week. If this is true the country’s future is surely in trouble. In my last column I wrote about the Wormery, the toddler book club we […]