Tsvangirai is now a Born- again Christian

Zim Diaspora
Sunday, 17 MAY 2009
Administrator Religion

Zimbabwe Prime Minister and mainstream MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, says he is now a born-again Christian after his wife, now late, took him to church.

Speaking at the memorial service for his wife, Susan Nyaradzo Tsvangirai, held at the Large City Hall in Bulawayo on Saturday, the Prime Minister said his wife dragged him to church just before her death.

He said he had since received Jesus and become a born-again Chrisitian.

Susan Tsvangirai, his wife of 31 years, died in a car accident on March 6 along the Harare-Masvingo highway. The Prime Minister escaped with injuries.

“All along I didn’t know God but one day my late wife Susan dragged me to church where I received Jesus and became a born again Christian,” said Tsvangirai.

“I now know God; I am always in prayer and go to church every Sunday “Zimbabwe is going through hard times at the moment and I would like to advise all Zimbabweans to pray for the country and to pray for all leaders to know God.

Tsvangirai also said his wife was his special advisor in every aspect of life. He said his life had completely changed since she passed away.

“My wife was my chief advisor and since she passed away, life has completely changed for me,” he said. “But I would like to thank my supporters and friends who have stood by me in these hard times.”

Speaking at the same occasion, Vimbai Tsvangirai, the Prime Minister’s third daughter, said her mother’s death came as shock to them as children but believed God had a purpose in taking her away.

Vimbai said as a result of the great support they received from many people after her death, the family realized that their mother was also the mother of the nation.

Minister of Public Works Theresa Makone, a close friend of Mrs Tsvangirai, narrated the life history of the late Prime Minister’s wife.

Makone also announced that a Susan Nyaradzo Tsvangirai Foundation would be launched soon to help orphans.

Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe and several MDC Ministers, who included Sam Sipepa Nkomo, David Coltart, Gorden Moyo and Thamsnqa Mahlangu, attended the memorial service.

The memorial service was also attended by more than 1 000 ordinary people; it was organized Bulawayo Urban legislator, Dorcas Sibanda and the city mayor Patrick Thaba Moyo.